

2022年03月28日 12:31:56 No.21778


投稿者 : adelnoe [URL]

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Feb 17, 2016 I was over and done with endlessly reminding my husband of what was going on in our lives. ... My husband, bless him, is fantastic at a lot of things. ... But I also haven't had the guts/energy to bring this up with my own husband ... I hate that it's acceptable for men to say "to hell with it" about tasks because a.... Aug 5, 2019 I want to contact her but don't want it to backfire. I said I forgave him but my gut is telling me to contact her. Reply. Kara Lynn... f23d57f842 adelnoe

It hit me all at once and HARD that my husband just doesn't like me, but he's too comfortable to leave me (if that makes sense). I'm the mother of his children, I'm.... Mar 9, 2017 Everyone is so selfish in Dubai as you know! my husband suggested to me. My hands shaking, I reached the shelf for a glass and hurriedly filled...

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