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I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. -Do I give God time every day in prayer? -Do I seek to love Him with my whole heart?2 pages. Engaged in sexual foreplay (petting) reserved for marriage? Preyed upon children or youth for my sexual pleasure? Engaged in unnatural sexual activities?. An Examination of Conscience for Teenagers based on the Seven Deadly Sins by Fr. Dylan James, 19-3-2011. Check out Fr. Dylan's homilies:... 538a28228e perraif
Examination of Conscience for youth, teens and adults. Below are three Examinations of Conscience, geared to different ages and stages of life.. all-loving God. Spirit of Fortitude, help me to make whatever sacrifice is needed to avoid sin in the future. Amen. Examination of Conscience for Adults and Teens.. Examination of Conscience for teenagers 1. You shall have no other gods besides the Lord your God. 2. You shall not take the Lord your God's name in vain.