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The baby was measuring 6w+1d and there was a heartbeat of 104. ... 1) How bad is it to be measuring 2 days behind on an IVF pregnancy when ... Between 6+3 and 7 weeks outcomes improved with a heart rate above 120. 219d99c93a sanded
He agreed baby is measuring behind but said that in 80% of the cases, the ... I see him again in 2 weeks for another scan and we are hoping he has put ... This is an IVF baby so we had an ultrasound before 6 weeks to confirm.... Hi ladies, I'm after my early scan .. I'm 7 weeks 2 days .. But baby is measuring in at 6 weeks 5days .. 4 days behind ., I did IVF so dates are bang .... The ultrasound tech found one baby measuring 6w3d. ... 7 week ultrasound after IVF measuring behind ... appt by appt. some weeks we had hope because their was good growth- fingers crossed that all turns out well for you.